Walking in the light of God

Walking in the light of God
2013 - 2014 School Year Theme
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ellie's Weekly Newsletter 27 Oct. 2013

Last week was "electrifying" - static electrifying, that is.  As you will see from a couple photos, we had balloons clinging to walls and clothing.  Our egg in a bottle failed to completely enter the bottle, but did make a popping sound as it was pulled from the bottle!  Large eggs must be a larger size this year!  Green eggs (aka deviled eggs) were a hit with no left overs.  Those who were leery, did try the egg whites though!

This week's activities will be filled with pumpkins and pretending mostly.  We will predict and hows and whys of spinning and flipping paper ghosts, though.  A spider book and a pumpkin book will include practice inventive spelling.  Pasta skeletons are an exercise in following detailed directions, and our jack-o-lanterns will NOT be scarey.  You will see for yourselves the reason why!

Thursday will be a day for pretending to be someone or something fun and different!  Your little one may come to school in Halloween attire (those staying in the afternoon, may want to bring a change of clothes to keep costumes semi-clean!).  We will parade throughout the school building, showing off our painted pumpkins and singing a jack-o-lantern song in Spanish.

Friday we celebrate the birthday of the Lutheran Church (aka Reformation).  We also will find out how the Lutheran Church got its name (thank you, Martin Luther!).

Have a fun and safe Hallow's Eve!  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ellie's Weekly Newsletter 20 Oct. 2013

Welcome to the world of /e/!  This week we'll have no cows or dinosaurs, but we will move to Egypt to study their hieroglyphic alphabet.  Look for paper Egyptian cartushes (sorry if that is misspelled!) coming home this week.  they will spell your child's name in hieroglyphics.

We'll also make our hair stand up by experimenting with static electricity.  We can even make water bend!  You will see a model drawing of your child's eye, and we'll learn what constitutes an emergency and what doesn't.  Then we'll practice dialing 911 (on broken phones).

Last week we created our own equations using dots on dominoes, this week we will continue creating equations using dice, as we become mathematical geniuses

We'll make books about favorite food choices (an intro to next week); and we'll find out who will eat green eggs (we'll hold the ham).  I think we only have one child who is allergic to eggs.  Right?  

In religion, we have arrived at Moses, and now begin his trials with Pharaoh, resulting in the 10 plagues.  This will be in book form also.

Another busy week!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ellie's Weekly Newsletter 16 Oct. 2013

Sorry to be sending this late, but I was doing grandma duty on the long weekend, helping my grand-daughter celebrate her second birthday.  It was a perfectly glorious weekend! (Today is the official day!)

This week is dinosaur week.  We'll be identifying the difference between herbivores, carnivores, omnivores.  Thanks to my son's extensive dinosaur model collection, we have many samples. We even have a dinosaur bone at school, so a "field trip" will be happening tomorrow.

Math activities will center around the concept of "dozen."  Today we tally counted to 12, learning the concept of 5 and "some more" (6,7,8,9) and two 5s and "some more" beyond 10 to 12.

Birthdays have been high on our list of excitement this week.  Two more little ones are 5 and 1 more!  (see the photos!)

no new out breaks of "head bugs!"  Let's hope this is over!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ellie's Weekly Newsletter 6 Oct. 2013

Bones, bones, bones - that was the highlight of last week's free choice time.  The little ones are quite proficient in identifying the many horse bones: rib, leg, skull, vertebrae (otherwise known as airplanes!), jaw, knee; plus comparing their size to similar pig bones.

This week's free choice activity will be milking the classroom cow.  She doesn't have a name yet, but be sure to ask!

Science activity will include the study of caterpillars, becoming moths or butterflies - and finding out specific characteristics of each.  Plus we'll find out why Eric Carle is wrong in his book about the Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Several years ago the kindergartners did send him a letter asking why his caterpillar cocoon became a butterfly.  He did respond with his explanation, but I personally think he was just trying to cover his mistake!!

Additionally, we'll investigate crystals (salt, Epsom salts, sugar) - growing them, painting with them. Since it is fall now, we'll find out why leaves turn brown in the fall - no matter what color they have turned: red, yellow, orange.

Telling time with clocks (hour and half hour will be introduced), and addition "cross outs" are math subjects.

A compound words game will introduce how two small words can become one word with a completely different meaning.

Do you hear your little one "pounding and sounding" words?!  They are loving the segmentation of words and are doing a great job of spelling!